UPG North America exists to:
- Identify, highlight, and prioritize the most significant unreached people group communities in North America.
- Increase people who “see” these unreached people group communities.
- Increase focused prayer for them.
- Increase the number of committed, encouraged, and equipped laborers among all significant unreached people group communities in the United States and Canada.
We need your help to accomplish this vision!
This flow-chart highlights how you can contribute to this vision.
Click Here to complete the Contribution form
This form will allow UPGNorthAmerica to track the work that is being done to ensure there is no duplication of efforts. Below you will find links to the appropriate resources to support you in your research and contribution.
Click here to create Google Earth Virtual prayerwalk
If you would like to assist further, using what you learn from this Free LMS Training and the step-by-step guide for creating a virtual prayer walk, you will build a virtual prayerwalk for a priority people group in a city. The virtual prayerwalk will expedite the creation of a people group in a city profile with your contribution.
Click here to write a people group in North America overview profile
This requires general research online and writing a general overview, religious overview, and researching the best gospel resources for the people group. UPG North America provides a guided and structured template. For a list of the UPG in North America overview pages that need to be completed click HERE.
Click here to contribute locations for a virtual prayerwalk
Easiest way to contribute
Use this form to provide 15 to 40 points of interest that are frequented by a priority people group in a city. UPG North America will take these locations and create a virtual prayerwalk and a people group in a city profile.
Share your contribution and complete the 1 minute contributing partner agreement.
Follow the directions for submission of your contribution. To have your organization or network listed on as a contributor, please complete the contributing partner form.

UPG North America will review your contribution and contributing partner form.
After reviewing your contribution and contributing partner form. UPG North America will upload your contribution and if applicable add your organization or network as a contributing partner on our about us page.
Ideas for Using the Site
Whether you create content for the site or not, take time today to let others know about the site and/or send them a particular page that might interest them. Here are just a few ideas on how the site can be used:
Use the Outreach Resources on the Site with People from those Groups
Personally, or in a small group prayer meeting or Bible study, read through a UPG in a city profile and do a virtual prayerwalk using the Google Earth tool. Mark on your calendar to do at least one virtual prayerwalk a week.
Use the Outreach Resources on the Site with People from those Groups
Post on social media, a blog, or a newsletter about the UPG North America site or a particular page that would be of interest. For instance, with the large number of Afghan refugees resettling in North America due to the Taliban takeover, you could send the Afghans in North America page and/or the several pages about Afghans in particular cities like Toronto, New York, and San Francisco.
Use the Outreach Resources on the Site with People from those Groups
Do you know someone from a particular group highlighted on the site? You could look at the “Resources” section on the North America overview page (e.g., Somalis in North America) to find good gospel resources in that person’s language to share with them.