Business as Mission

Third Path equips young professionals to have a Kingdom impact through profitable business in the global marketplace. Third Path is not a school. Third Path is not a Bible study. It’s not a “conference.” Third Path is a process of equipping and preparing the next generation of Business as Mission leaders.
Church Planting Movements

Church Planting Movements
This website is a portal into a whole world of learning how to be faithful disciples (obedient learners) as we explore and experience together the breakthroughs that are happening in Great Commission fulfillment in our time!
Churches on Mission
DMM/CPM Training
Diaspora-Focused Organizations

Global Gates
Global Gates is mobilizing prayer and missionaries for the most unreached people group communities in North America. Its core mission is to see gospel transformation of the world’s most unevangelized people groups who have come to global gateway cities, and through them reach their communities around the world.

Diaspora Ministry Coalition
The Diaspora Ministry Coalition was created as a response to the growing influx of diaspora unreached people groups in the US and a desire to work together to move farther, faster for the glory of Jesus. It is Four agencies with one vision, and one ministry to diaspora unreached people groups in the United States.
International Student Ministry

Bridges International
Bridges International is a non-profit, Christian organization that exists to serve and mobilize the international student population in the USA and abroad. Many of our staff have lived, studied, and worked overseas. We understand the unique challenges facing international students.
Media to Movements
Missions Education

SuperPlan: A Journey into God's Story
This book by Chris Clayman interweaves memoirs, missions education, inspiring stories of Muslim-background Christians and their journeys with Christ, and devotional thoughts to assist readers in finding their own role in God’s story. Through it all, you’ll learn more about Global Gates’ birth and vision.
Refugee ministry
Unreached People Groups highlights and locates diaspora peoples in North America with a vision of making disciples locally and in their indigenous homelands.