We grow up hearing a collection of stories. Stories come from family, government, religious leaders, and the like. These stories collectively make up our worldview. We have stories that tell our history, what value we fear, and stories that represent our unrealized...
The Great Commission -Depth, Diversity, and the Divine Promise (Part 1)
Depth, Diversity, and the Divine Promise (Part 1) The Great Commission is a common phrase in most evangelical circles. Although, in a recent study by Barna research, when asked of churchgoers, “Have you heard of the Great Commission?” 51 % said no. 25% said yes, but...
The Great Commission -Depth, Diversity, and the Divine Promise (Part 2)
This is the second part of a two-part series looking at the diversity, depth, and divine promise of the Great Commission. In part one, several Great Commission passages were listed in chronological order. It was observed that it was given in an incremental and...
Trained for the Kingdom of Heaven
A topic of discussion among churches is the definition of disciple and discipleship. It’s exciting to see churches and followers of Jesus having this conversation. Yet, it often falls short and is focused on transfer of information from the discipler (church leader)...
What Every Christian Needs to Know about Ramadan
What does Christmas mean to you? For me, I think of feasts with my friends and family. I think of a month where time stands still and everyone celebrates. Christmas music, décor, and events permeate my life. I feel like God has been brought close to me and I feel...
A Simplistic look at Mission Research
Today, there is more qualitative and quantitative research on the core missionary task than ever before. Those not involved in research or directly receiving the information often do not fully understand the purpose, benefit, or process of good missiological research....
Frontier People Groups and Diaspora Missions in North America
In 2018, Mission Frontiers introduced the sub-classification of unreached people groups called Frontier People Groups (FPGs).1 The idea underlying FPGs is they lack the seed to see the Christian community flourish and multiply. The gospel has not been planted, nor any...